

  • DualStreamingExample located into the folder examples/android. This example shows how to simultaneously play two streams on two video surfaces inside an Android Activity by using the underlying native gstreamer backend.
For running the Android example, import the project in your preferred IDE (e.g Eclipse) and do the following changes:
  • Edit the file jni/Android.mk and properly change the absolute path of the environment variables GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT_ANDROID and GSTREAMER_ROOT
  • Create your uri.properties.default property file and put it into the assets folder.(That folder already contains the uri.properties file that you can use as template for your own property file)
  • Build the project (Note that the NDK must be installed and configurated on your system in order to build the project)
  • Deploy the application on your android device or on your emulator

Other examples are included into the android/examples folder. Finally, consider using the MOST Visualizazion Framework that allows you to include into mobile applications visual and interactive widgets capable of rendering and inspecting A/V streams.


  • TestDualStream located into the folder examples/ios8. This example shows how to simultaneously play two streams on two video surfaces inside an iOS Application by using the underlying native gstreamer backend.